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E20 Training Check In

Frequently Asked Questions

What is EMS?

EMS (Electro Muscle Stimulation) has been used by NASA since the 1970s to train their astronauts in zero gravity environments. The benefits of whole body stimulation helped keep them fit in space where conventional exercise proved ineffective due to the lack of gravity. For the past 30 years EMS technology has been used for rehabilitation and physiotherapy. In the last decade the use of EMS technology by professional athletes has been gradually growing and it is now the latest fitness trend for the general public.


EMS technology stimulates the muscles with impulses causing them to contract and relax in the same way as conventional exercise. When used while training, EMS activates up to 90% of your body’s main muscles achieving highly effective results. The technology behind EMS represents a proven time-saving, effective workout resulting in all-round positive health and fitness.


Total-body EMS Training combines the advantages of conventional training with the new, innovative training form of EMS. By simultaneously activating the agonists and antagonists as well as the hard-to-reach stabilizing muscles, a true whole-body training occurs. Furthermore, the simultaneous training of all major muscle groups means that one-sided stresses and the formation of muscular imbalances are avoided.

How does the program work?

EMS training mimics the action of the central nervous system, activating muscles in the same way, but using external impulses. These impulses activate 300 muscles in your body, many of which are hard to activate through conventional exercise. EMS activates 90% of your muscles, including some of the deepest muscle fiber that cannot be reached with traditional fitness practices. 20 minutes of EMS is equal to 3 hours of high intensity strength training.

Is EMS safe? Does it hurt?

Yes EMS is safe and E20 uses the only FDA approved device. You may experience the sensations as buzzing, and you may also feel your muscles contract. Your coach will customize your settings to your comfort level allowing you to work with whatever intensity feels the best for you.

Do I need special equipment?

Specialized training clothing is provided complimentary for the EMS Introductory Session. You may purchase additional clothing for $50. You will need to bring your own athletic shoes, as they are required for each EMS session.

What are some of the benefits that I can expect?

Since each EMS session can stimulate all the major muscle groups, it is the most effective training for losing weight, improving your fitness level, and building lean muscles. Additionally it is used as a rehabilitation method after injuries. EMS training can relieve the joints stress, reduce back pain and tighten the trouble areas in your body. It is the fastest and easiest way to achieve all your fitness goals.

Can I combine EMS training with other forms of movement?

Each EMS is effective on its own and can also be combined with other fitness practices. The only stipulation is that you allow a minimum 48-hour recovery time following your EMS training.

Will my medical condition prevent me from EMS training?

EMS training is safe for most people. Unfortunately, people with the following conditions cannot use EMS:

  • Heart pacemaker

  • Pregnancy

  • Severe circulatory disorder & arterial circulatory disorder

  • Abdominal wall or an inguinal hernia

  • Tuberculosis

  • Tumor diseases

  • Arteriosclerosis in advanced stadium

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Severe neurological illnesses (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis)

  • Fever, acute bacterial or viral infections

All new E20 clients must go through a health assessment. When making changes to your exercise regiment, we advise you to first consult your personal doctor.

Can I use EMS after pregnancy?

You can go through EMS training after pregnancy, but not if you are currently breastfeeding.

After pregnancy, your muscle volume and strength decrease and the connective tissue is often overstretched. When it comes to gently rebuilding a specific muscle or muscle groups, EMS training can effectively target and engage the deepest parts of the muscles. Consequently, EMS also can tighten the sagging skin and may remove the stretch marks that usually appear after pregnancy. However, it is strongly advised to consult with your doctor before starting EMS training after pregnancy.

Are there any special nutrition requirements?

Like any other physical training program, ultimate results are achieved when supported by a healthy diet. EMS Training is a highly intensive training and to compensate, it is particularly important to eat good quality food from all five food groups and in the right quantity. The advantage of using a large amount of energy and having a better metabolic rate is that the body uses more calories and therefore the total caloric expenditure increases. In addition, the resting expenditure increases so that the muscles in the body are built up. This leads to an increase in the reduction of the fat reserves in the body and an improvement in the appearance of areas such as the abdomen, legs and buttocks as well as the upper body and back area.

  • Water

  • Carbohydrates (the right ones!)

  • Protein

  • Fats (the right ones!)

  • Optimum supply of vitamins and minerals for the body

How do I prepare for my EMS session?

EMS training is highly intensive. Please drink 0.5 liters of water and eat a carbohydrate-rich snack (e.g. banana) 30 to 45 minutes prior to training. Clients must also drink sufficient fluids during and after an E20 EMS session.

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