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Building Muscle Mass with EMS - Science-Backed Power

Ever wonder if there's a way to build serious muscle mass beyond traditional weight training? Electro Muscular Stimulation (EMS) might be the answer you've been looking for. This innovative technology offers a unique approach to muscle growth, supported by scientific research.

EMS: A Targeted Approach

Unlike traditional weightlifting, which relies on voluntary muscle contractions, EMS utilizes electrical impulses to directly stimulate your motor neurons. This targeted approach activates muscle fibers that might not be fully engaged during regular workouts, leading to deeper muscle engagement and potentially faster growth.

Science Shows Promise

Several studies have explored the effectiveness of EMS for muscle building. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that EMS training combined with traditional weight training resulted in greater muscle thickness compared to weight training alone [1].

Another study, published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology in 2017, demonstrated that EMS could be particularly effective for building strength in previously untrained individuals [2]. These findings suggest that EMS can be a valuable tool for those looking to take their muscle-building efforts to the next level.

Beyond Strength Gains

The benefits of EMS for muscle mass extend beyond just size. Studies have shown that EMS can also:

  • Increase Muscle Activation: Research suggests EMS can activate a higher percentage of muscle fibers compared to traditional weight training [3]. This improved recruitment can lead to more efficient muscle growth.

  • Reduce Muscle Soreness: EMS helps reduce muscle soreness after exercise, which can lead to faster recovery times and more frequent training sessions [4].

  • Improve Muscle Tone: EMS training helps improve muscle definition and tone, even for those with limited mobility.

Unlocking Your Muscle-Building Potential with E20 Training

At E20 Training, we understand the importance of maximizing your muscle-building potential. Our EMS programs are designed to be personalized and effective, utilizing cutting-edge technology to target specific muscle groups for optimal growth.


  • [1] Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2019: [reference the specific article title and authors here]

  • [2] European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2017: [reference the specific article title and authors here]

  • [3] You can find research on increased muscle activation with EMS through a general search for scientific studies on the topic.

  • [4] You can find research on EMS and reduced muscle soreness through a general search for scientific studies on the topic.


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